Saturday, May 21, 2011

End Of The World

Ok so today was supposed to be the end of the world. A crazy guy in California did some weird math and said that today was it. Well it's 10:17pm and I'm writing a blog entry in my iPad. So yeah, didn't happen. I know a lot of people are scared of when Jesus comes back, I think that might be one of the major signs that he is coming back. We are very comfortable with our lifestyle and frankly, it's crazy that we are scared to spend eternity with Jesus in paradise! I think it shows a true lack of understanding and relationship with Jesus. If we understood what was ahead of us, we would be just as eager as the early church and apostles were for Christ's return. I know that God is holding off and not wanting anyone to perish, and instead of causing fear, panic and craziness, we should be being that light everywhere we go. Showing people who Jesus REALLY is. Aside from a few fanatics, this day was a giant joke. It's like everyone knows about Jesus and the end times because mostly everyone went to Sunday school when they were a kid, but not anymore. If this happens 15 years from now, who would know what the Rapture actually is?

We have to work even harder to disciple people and educate them not only about being aware of false prophecies, but to excite them about being reunited with Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Well written P. Aaron. Thank you for taking the time to do this.
